Debugging application state triggered by focus
In any modern browser's element inspector, you can force an element into a :hover or :focus state to debug styling issues. Sometimes, you want to debug an issue of an...
Jun 13th 2024

Building our new automation workflow builder with css flexbox
In this post we’ll uncover some of the techniques used to create our automation builder without any dependencies on large JavaScript libraries using only CSS Flexbox for the layout.
Jun 12th 2024

Building Laravel Error Share
Last week, we released Laravel Error Share, a package to share local Laravel exceptions with a coworker or your debugging friend...
Jun 11th 2024

Refactoring our search capabilities using Elasticsearch and two new Spatie packages
Our search capabilities have been vastly improved under the hood.
Jun 10th 2024

Linking to Flare errors on your error page
We've just launched a new feature that will make it easier for users of your app to report specific errors.
Jun 10th 2024

Handling customer feedback using a support bubble form
We've recently added a support form bubble form to our app. In this post we'll explain what it is, why we added it, and how you can add one to...
Jun 10th 2024

Better code block highlighting on our blog and docs
If you've read our blog or docs the last few weeks, some things might look a little bit different. We now highlight our code blocks using Shiki.
Jun 10th 2024

How we're using static analysis to improve our codebase
A static analyzer helps you to find bugs in your code without even running it, let's take a look what it can find in the Flare codebase.
Jun 10th 2024

How we use ElasticSearch, Kibana and Filebeat to handle our logs
Flare runs on a few different servers that each produce their own logs. In this post, you'll learn how we can combine multiple logs in a single stream.
Jun 10th 2024

Retry requests using curl
We've added a nice addition to your UI.
Jun 10th 2024