Writing Readable PHP

Learn how to write code that’s a joy to read for your co-workers and future self. You'll see dozens of tips and tricks that will increase code readiblity today.

Laravel Package Training v2.0
27 videos

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Have you ever wondered how to create your own packages? Interested in how some of our packages work under the hood? This series reveals all secrets!

Laravel Beyond CRUD
10 videos

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During 2 hours of video, Brent teaches you how to build a bigger than usual Laravel application. You'll see lots of practical examples and live coding. Serious content, brought in Brent's enthusiastic manner!

Testing Laravel with Pest
48 videos

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Testing is a fundamental skill for every developer. In this course, Freek will show you how to get started with testing. He'll cover how to test and entire Laravel application, and show you cool techniques to improve your tests.

Testing Laravel with PHPUnit
36 videos

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In this course, Brent will help you get started testing a Laravel application. He'll cover how to get started, how to test every functionality in Laravel, and gives handy tips and tricks on how to improve your tests.

Event Sourcing in Laravel
17 videos

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These videos will show you how an event sourced system works. These videos are part of a paid course that includes these videos, an ebook and example app.

Front Line PHP
19 videos

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In this free video series, we dive deep into into new PHP features.

Discovering Laravel Media Library
20 videos

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Media Library is a powerful package that can associate all kinds of files with Eloquent models, generate thumbnails & responsive images, keep track of media across file systems, and much more!

Readable Laravel
7 videos

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In this completely free series, we'll explore best practices on how to write maintainable and readable code.

Show me the code
8 videos

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Here are some problems that we solved in an elegant way

Using Mailcoach
4 videos

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In this free video series, Freek shows you how you can use Mailcoach to automate your email marketing

Building Mailcoach (legacy course)
26 videos

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Learn about the problems that we tackled and the clean code patterns that we applied when building the initial version of Mailcoach.

These videos use a legacy version of Mailcoach

Laravel Package Training (legacy course)
30 videos

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These are the videos of are old Laravel Package Training. You should probably watch v2, which is the latest version of this course.

Exclusive content