Collecting metrics for Flare using event sourcing and laravel-stats
Like most SaaS companies, the Flare back-office features a neat dashboard showing some of our key metrics. Using Laravel Nova it's pretty easy to aggregate data per model like the...
Jun 10th 2024

Refactoring our search capabilities using Elasticsearch and two new Spatie packages
Our search capabilities have been vastly improved under the hood.
Jun 10th 2024

Mail notifications now allow to snooze and resolve errors
When we look at which notification channels our users use, we see that mail is the most popular channel. This motivated us to provide snoozing and resolving abilities to mail...
Jun 10th 2024

Linking to Flare errors on your error page
We've just launched a new feature that will make it easier for users of your app to report specific errors.
Jun 10th 2024

Introducing our new Telegram integration
As of today, Flare can notify you via Telegram. In this blog post, you'll see that we didn't only provide basic support but also went all the way with notification...
Jun 10th 2024

Building a better search with Monaco and amCharts
Jun 10th 2024

Flare's new "job" tab knows all about your failed jobs
From now on, when something goes wrong in a queued job, Flare can tell you a lot more about what's going on
Jun 10th 2024

How we're using static analysis to improve our codebase
A static analyzer helps you to find bugs in your code without even running it, let's take a look what it can find in the Flare codebase.
Jun 10th 2024

How we use ElasticSearch, Kibana and Filebeat to handle our logs
Flare runs on a few different servers that each produce their own logs. In this post, you'll learn how we can combine multiple logs in a single stream.
Jun 10th 2024

Migrating our billing portal to the latest version of Laravel Spark
We've now have a completely renewed billing experience powered by the latest version of Laravel Spark. In this blog post, we'll share why and how we performed this migration.
Jun 10th 2024