Flare's new "job" tab knows all about your failed jobs
From now on, when something goes wrong in a queued job, Flare can tell you a lot more about what's going on
Jun 10th 2024 flareapp.io

Grouping SQL errors
Flare gets a lot of errors, but how to group them?
Jun 10th 2024 flareapp.io

Better support for Livewire in Flare and Ignition
Introducing the Ignition and Flare Livewire tab
Jun 10th 2024 flareapp.io

How we improved Flare in 2021
Here's a rundown of all the things we improved in Flare in the past year.
Jun 10th 2024 flareapp.io

You might not need `useRef` for that
According to the React maintainers, React developers reach for the useEffect hook too quickly. It is far from the only hook with many naive usages.
Jun 10th 2024 flareapp.io

Subscribe using Bancontact and Ideal
We now support the most popular payment methods in Belgium and The Netherlands
Jun 10th 2024 flareapp.io

Fixing nested validation in Laravel
Since the early days, Laravel has had an excellent validator available, but sometimes it doesn't work as expected, especially with nested arrays.
Jun 10th 2024 flareapp.io

A preview of our upcoming redesign
We're giving our entire service a new coat of paint
Jun 10th 2024 flareapp.io

Optimizing Flare
We're redesigning Flare, but our application became really slow. Let's find out why and fix it!
Jun 10th 2024 flareapp.io

You can now log in using your Google or GitHub account
Here's how you can implement our log in flow in your Laravel app
Jun 10th 2024 flareapp.io