Store strongly typed settings in a Laravel app
We have released a new package, called spatie/laravel-settings, that allows you to strongly type settings in a Laravel app. In this blog post, I'd like to introduce the package...
Nov 9th 2020

Encrypting and signing data using private/public keys in PHP
For a project, I needed to make sure that a particular piece of data actually came from a specific source. There are already many packages that allow you to do...
Nov 9th 2020

Learn all new PHP 8 features by watching this free video course
Together with my colleague Brent, I've created Front Line PHP, a book and video course on building modern applications with PHP 8. You can purchase the book here. The...
Nov 6th 2020

spatie/once v3 has been released, now uses a PHP 8 WeakMap
I've just released a new major version of the spatie/once package. This version uses the WeakMap class which is introduced in PHP 8. In this short post I'd like...
Nov 3rd 2020

Casual Conversation Call #2 with Christoph Rumpel
Here's the recording of a casual conversation between Christoph Rumpel and me we had last week. Here are links to...
Nov 2nd 2020

The best PRs we got in October
At Spatie, we want to stimulate contributing to our open source stuff. That's why we said that we'd give away some of our paid products for free to...
Nov 2nd 2020

The problems with traditional form uploads
When handling uploads, a traditional input type of file has some downsides. In this streaming session I did yesterday, I explain those problems and share how they can be fixed...
Oct 30th 2020

PHP 8: How to setup the JIT
PHP 8 adds a JIT compiler to PHP's core which has the potential to speed up performance dramatically. There are some sidenotes to be made about the actual...
Oct 29th 2020

Laravel Worldwide Meetup #4: GitHub Actions & Unconventional Autoloaders
Here's the recording of Laravel Worldwide Meetup #4. Ryan Chandler showed a cool GitHub Action workflow to test a Laravel app. Next, Liam Hammet demonstrated some unconvential things you...
Oct 28th 2020

Exploring PHP 8 features
In preparation for creating the Front Line PHP video course I needed to make myself familiar with the features that PHP 8 brings to the table. In this stream...
Oct 28th 2020