turns five!
Nov 26th 2019

What's new in PHP 7.4
# What's new in PHP 7.4 PHP 7.4 is the latest stable version of PHP. It was released on November 28, 2019 and it's the last version...
Nov 26th 2019

My Alfred workflows
Nov 22nd 2019

07. Entering the application layer
Back in chapter 1, I stated that one of the characteristics of domain oriented Laravel projects is the following: […] most important is that you start thinking in groups...
Nov 22nd 2019

Track Wordpress errors with Flare
Sometimes, you don't have Laravel projects only but also run a classic Wordpress blog. Do you want to monitor this blog with Flare, too? We got you covered! Wordpress doesn't...
Nov 22nd 2019

Using Flare with Lumen
The main goal of Flare is to be the best error tracker for Laravel applications. Since we started, many people are asking how they can use Flare with other PHP...
Nov 22nd 2019

Shop-built jigs
Nov 21st 2019

Important ideas come back
Nov 18th 2019

Creating business opportunities with error tracking
When running production applications for your clients, it can take days until a bug is reported to your team. This reporting-delay might not be critical to the business of your...
Nov 18th 2019

06. Managing domains
In the previous chapters we looked at the three core building blocks of our domains: DTOs, actions and models. Today we take a breather from the low level technical stuff,...
Nov 17th 2019