Migrating our billing portal to the latest version of Laravel Spark
We've now have a completely renewed billing experience powered by the latest version of Laravel Spark. In this blog post, we'll share why and how we performed this migration.
Jun 10th 2024 flareapp.io

Refactoring our search capabilities using Elasticsearch and two new Spatie packages
Our search capabilities have been vastly improved under the hood.
Jun 10th 2024 flareapp.io

Collecting metrics for Flare using event sourcing and laravel-stats
Like most SaaS companies, the Flare back-office features a neat dashboard showing some of our key metrics. Using Laravel Nova it's pretty easy to aggregate data per model like the...
Jun 10th 2024 flareapp.io

Retry requests using curl
We've added a nice addition to your UI.
Jun 10th 2024 flareapp.io

Control exceptions and errors send to Flare
From now on, you can control the exceptions and errors sent to Flare
Jun 10th 2024 flareapp.io

Hello there, new API!
You can now retrieve all projects and errors using our new API.
Jun 10th 2024 flareapp.io

Flare can now notify you via Discord and Microsoft Teams
We added a couple of new notification channels. In this post you'll also see some actual code from our codebase.
Jun 10th 2024 flareapp.io

How to safely delete records in massive tables on AWS using Laravel
Recently we had to delete unneeded records in a huge table. In this post, I'd like to show you the challenges we had to overcome and the solutions we came...
Jun 10th 2024 flareapp.io

Installing Blackfire on Laravel Vapor
In this blogpost we'll take a quick look at how Blackfire is set-up and how Lambda layers works. In the second part of this post we'll add the two together...
Jun 10th 2024 flareapp.io

Introducing JavaScript error tracking
Jun 10th 2024 flareapp.io