How we created over 200 PHP and Laravel packages
Improvements on Laravel Nova
PHP 7.4 in 7 code blocks
The IKEA effect
An unopinionated package to make Laravel apps tenant aware
Builders and architects: two types of programmers
Advanced Laravel migrations using temporary tables
PHP 8 in 8 code blocks
array_chunk in PHP
Refactoring callbacks to async/await
Enter & leave transitions
Building a realtime dashboard powered by Laravel, Livewire and Tailwind (2020 edition)
Creating a Tweet wall in 3 minutes using Laravel Dashboard
Shotgun upgrade your npm dependencies with yarn upgrade --latest
📺 A walkthrough of Laravel Backup Server
Mixing event sourcing in a traditional Laravel app
Enabling basic HTTP authentication with nginx on a Laravel Forge provisioned server
Combining event sourcing and stateful systems
A package to dump anything to the log
Replacing web sockets with Livewire
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