name (required): the name of the host, you can name it anything you'd like
host (required): the hostname of the server you wish to backup
ssh_user: the user name to use to ssh into the source server
ssh_port: the port to use when connecting to the source server
ssh_private_key_file: the path to a ssh key file to use when connecting to the source server
destination_id: the id of the destination you wish to backup to
backup_hour: the hour on which the backup-server:dispatch-backups should create a backup for this source
includes: an array of paths you wish to backup. These can be relative to the home directory of the ssh user, or absolute
excludes: an array of paths you wish to exclude from the backup. These should be relative to the paths giving in includes
pre_backup_commands: an array of commands that should be executed on the source server prior to backing up. You could use this to dump the database to the filesystem.
post_backup_commands: an array of commands that should be executed on the source server after the backup is complete. You could use this to clean databases that have been dumped to the filesystem.