This tile displays Twitter mentions.

You can install the package via composer:
composer require spatie/laravel-dashboard-twitter-tile
In the dashboard
config file, you must add this configuration in the tiles
key. You can add a configuration in the configurations
key per Twitter tile that you want to display. Any tweet that contains one of the strings in listen_for
will be display on the dashboard.
return [
'tiles' => [
'twitter' => [
'configurations' => [
'default' => [
'access_token' => env('TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN'),
'access_token_secret' => env('TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET'),
'consumer_key' => env('TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY'),
'consumer_secret' => env('TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET'),
'listen_for' => [
'refresh_interval_in_seconds' => 5,
Under the hood this package uses spatie/laravel-twitter-streaming-api
. Take a look in the readme of the package to learn how you can get the values for access_token
, access_token_secret
, consumer_key
, and consumer_key
To starting listening for incoming tweets of the configuration named default
, you must execute this command:
php artisan dashboard:listen-twitter-mentions
This command will never end. In production should probably want to use something like Supervisord to keep this this task running and to automatically start it when your system restarts.
To start listening for tweets of another configuration, simply add the name of the configuration as an arugment.
php artisan dashboard:listen-twitter-mentions alternate-configuration-name
In your dashboard view you use the livewire:twitter-tile
component to display tweets of the default configuration.
<livewire:twitter-tile position="a1:a6"/>
To display tweets of another configuration, pass the name of the configuration to the configuration-name
<livewire:twitter-tile position="a1:a6" configuration-name="alternate-configuration-name"/>
##Customizing the view
If you want to customize the view used to render this tile, run this command:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\TwitterTile\TwitterTileServiceProvider" --tag="dashboard-twitter-tile-views"