This tile displays who will be in the office this week, based upon Google calendar.

You can install the tile via composer:
composer require spatie/laravel-dashboard-attendances-tile
You must also set up the spatie/laravel-google-calendar
package. That package will fetch data for Google Calendar. Here are instructions that show how you can obtain credentials to communicate with Google Calendar.
In the dashboard
config file, you must add this configuration in the tiles
The emails
should contain the email addresses of the team. Each member should allow access to their calendar via the service account created earlier.
A team member works from home whenever he puts a keyword from keywords.home
into the name of an event within his Google calendar. A team member works in the office when there is a keyword from the
list in the name of an event in his Google calendar.
When a team member has no events with any keywords from home or office, then the member will automatically work from the office. Unless missingKeywordMeansAtOffice
is set to false
, which will mean the team member works from home.
return [
'tiles' => [
'attendances' => [
'emails' => [
'keywords' => [
'home' => ['thuis', 'verlof', 'ziek',],
'office' => ['kantoor'],
'missingKeywordMeansAtOffice' => true,
In app\Console\Kernel.php
you should schedule the Spatie\AttendancesTile\FetchAttendancesCommand
to run. You can let in run every minute if you want. You could also run this less frequently if fast updates on the dashboard aren't that important for this tile.
protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)
In your dashboard view you use the livewire:attendances-tile
<livewire:attendances-tile position="e7:e16"/>
##Customizing the view
If you want to customize the view used to render this tile, run this command:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\AttendancesTile\AttendancesTileServiceProvider" --tag="dashboard-attendances-tile-views"