When using the Spatie\Health\ResultStores\EloquentHealthResultStore
result store the latest check results will be written to the database. The advantage of stores results in the database, is that you can build up the history of your results. The downside is that, if your database is down, no results can be written.
In the health
config file, the store can be configured in the health_stores
key like this:
return [
'result_stores' => [
The results will be written in the health_check_result_history_items
table. All field names should be self-explanatory. Using the App\Spatie\Models\HealthCheckResultHistoryItem
model, you can easily query all results.
##Using a custom model
If you'd like to use a custom model for storing health check results, extend the Spatie\Health\Models\HealthCheckResultHistoryItem
class, and add it to the EloquentHealthResultStore
return [
'result_stores' => [
Spatie\Health\ResultStores\EloquentHealthResultStore::class => [
'model' => App\Models\CustomHealthCheckResultModel::class,
##Pruning the results table
The model uses the Laravel's MassPrunable
trait. In the health
config file, you can specify the maximum age of a model in the keep_history_for_days
key. Don't forget to schedule the model:prune
command, as instructed in Laravel's docs. You'll have to explicitly add the model class:
class Kernel extends ConsoleKernel
protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)
$schedule->command('model:prune', [
'--model' => [