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You can check the version you are using with the following command:
composer show spatie/laravel-html
This package includes some element classes out of the box, others can be created using the generic Spatie\Html\Elements\Element
class .
All elements can use the base element methods . Some elements also have some element specific methods to easily set common attributes. These element specific methods can be found bellow.
# # Generic Element
Any HTML element can be created from the generic Spatie\Html\Elements\Element
class via the withTag
For example to create a <p>
echo Element ::withTag ('p ')->text ('This is the content! ');
function href(?string $href)
function target(string $target)
# # Button
function disabled($disabled = true)
function name(?string $name)
function type(?string $type)
function value(?string $value)
# # Fieldset
function disabled($disabled = true)
function legend(?string $contents)
function accept(?string $value)
function acceptAudio()
function acceptImage()
function acceptVideo()
function autofocus(?$autofocus)
function multiple()
function name(?string $name)
function required()
function action(?string $action)
function method(?string $method)
function acceptsFiles()
function novalidate($novalidate = true)
function target(string $target)
function alt(?string $alt)
function src(?string $src)
# # Input
function autofocus(?$autofocus)
function checked($checked = true)
function disabled($disabled = true)
function name(?string $name)
function placeholder(?string $placeholder)
function readonly($readonly = true)
function required($required = true)
function size($size)
function type(?string $type)
function unchecked()
function value(?string $value)
function maxlength(int $maxlength)
function minlength(int $minlength)
# # Label
function for(?string $for)
# # Legend
# # Optgroup
function disabled($disabled = true)
function label(?string $label)
# # Option
function disabled($disabled = true)
function selected()
function selectedIf(bool $condition)
function unselected()
function value(?string $value)
# # Select
function autofocus(?$autofocus)
function disabled(?$disabled)
function multiple()
function name(?string $name)
function optgroup(string $label, iterable $options)
function options(iterable $options)
function placeholder(?$text)
function readonly(?$readonly)
function required(?$required)
function value(?string $value)
# # Textarea
function autofocus()
function cols(int $cols)
function disabled(?$disabled)
function maxlength(int $maxlength)
function minlength(int $minlength)
function name(?string $name)
function placeholder(?string $placeholder)
function readonly(?$readonly)
function required()
function required(?$required)
function rows(int $rows)
function value(?string $value)