This package includes some element classes out of the box, others can be created using the generic Spatie\Html\Elements\Element
All elements can use the base element methods. Some elements also have some element specific methods to easily set common attributes. These element specific methods can be found bellow.
##Generic Element
Any HTML element can be created from the generic Spatie\Html\Elements\Element
class via the withTag
For example to create a <p>
echo Element::withTag('p')->text('This is the content!');
function href(?string $href)
function target(string $target)
function disabled($disabled = true)
function name(?string $name)
function type(?string $type)
function value(?string $value)
function disabled($disabled = true)
function legend(?string $contents)
function accept(?string $value)
function acceptAudio()
function acceptImage()
function acceptVideo()
function autofocus(?$autofocus)
function multiple()
function name(?string $name)
function required()
function acceptsFiles()
function action(?string $action)
function autocomplete(bool|string $autocomplete = true)
function method(?string $method)
function name(?string $name)
function novalidate($novalidate = true)
function target(string $target)
function alt(?string $alt)
function src(?string $src)
function autocomplete(bool|string $autocomplete = true)
function autofocus(?$autofocus)
function checked($checked = true)
function disabled($disabled = true)
function isReadonly($readonly = true)
function maxlength(int $maxlength)
function minlength(int $minlength)
function name(?string $name)
function placeholder(?string $placeholder)
function required($required = true)
function size($size)
function type(?string $type)
function unchecked()
function value(?string $value)
function for(?string $for)
function disabled($disabled = true)
function label(?string $label)
function disabled($disabled = true)
function selected()
function selectedIf(bool $condition)
function unselected()
function value(?string $value)
function autocomplete(bool|string $autocomplete = true)
function autofocus(?$autofocus)
function disabled(?$disabled)
function isReadonly(?$readonly)
function multiple()
function name(?string $name)
function optgroup(string $label, iterable $options)
function options(iterable $options)
function placeholder(?$text)
function required(?$required)
function value(?string $value)
function autocomplete(bool|string $autocomplete = true)
function autofocus()
function cols(int $cols)
function disabled(?$disabled)
function isReadonly(?$readonly)
function maxlength(int $maxlength)
function minlength(int $minlength)
function name(?string $name)
function placeholder(?string $placeholder)
function required()
function required(?$required)
function rows(int $rows)
function value(?string $value)