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Using a custom directory structure
By default, files will be stored inside a directory that uses the id of its Media-object as a name. Converted images will be stored inside a directory named conversions.
Putting files inside their own folders guarantees that files with the same name can be added without any problems.
To override this default folder structure, a class that conforms to the PathGenerator-interface can be specified as the path_generator in the config file.
Let's take a look at the interface:
* Get the path for the given media, relative to the root storage path.
* @param\Spatie\MediaLibrary\Models\Media$media
* @returnstring
*/publicfunctiongetPath(Media $media): string;
* Get the path for conversions of the given media, relative to the root storage path.
* @param\Spatie\MediaLibrary\Models\Media$media
* @returnstring
*/publicfunctiongetPathForConversions(Media $media): string;
* Get the path for responsive images of the given media, relative to the root storage path.
* @param \Spatie\MediaLibrary\Models\Media $media
* @return string
*/publicfunctiongetPathForResponsiveImages(Media $media): string;
This example from the tests uses
the md5 value of media-id to name directories. The directories where conversions are stored will be named c instead of the default conversions.
There aren't any restrictions on how the directories can be named. When a Media-object gets deleted the package will delete its entire associated directory. To avoid tears or worse, make sure that every media gets stored its own unique directory.