This event is fired when the certificate check cannot find a certificate or if the certificate is invalid. A certificate is considered invalid if it is expired or it not covering correct domain.
It has the following public properties:
$monitor: the instance of Spatie\UptimeMonitor\Models\Monitor that fired the event
$reason: a string explaining why the certificate check failed
$certificate: if a certificate was found, this variable contains an instance of \Spatie\SslCertificate\SslCertificate. Refer to the documentation of spatie/ssl-certificate to learn how to work with this object.
This event is fired after the certificate check finds a valid certificate.
It has the following public properties:
$monitor: the instance of Spatie\UptimeMonitor\Models\Monitor that fired of the event
$certificate: if a valid certificate is found, this variable contains an instance of \Spatie\SslCertificate\SslCertificate. Refer to the documentation of spatie/ssl-certificate to learn how to work with this object.
This event is fired in addition to CertificateCheckSucceeded when the certificate check finds an ssl certificate that is going to expire in the number of days configured in fire_expiring_soon_event_if_certificate_expires_within_days or less.
It has these public properties:
$monitor: the instance of Spatie\UptimeMonitor\Models\Monitor that fired the event
$certificate: if an expiring certificate is found, this variable contains an instance of \Spatie\SslCertificate\SslCertificate Refer to the documentation of spatie/ssl-certificate to learn how to work with this object.