return [
| Searching path
| The path where typescript-transformer will look for PHP classes
| to transform, this will be the `app` path by default.
'searching_path' => app_path(),
| Collectors
| In these classes you define which classes will be collected and fed to
| transformers. By default, we include an AnnotationCollector which will
| search for @typescript annotated classes to transform.
'collectors' => [
| Transformers
| In these classes, you transform your PHP classes(e.g., enums) to
| their TypeScript counterparts.
'transformers' => [
| Class property replacements
| In your DTO's you sometimes have properties that should always be replaced
| by typescript representations. For example, you can replace a Datetime
| always with a string. These replacements can be defined here.
'class_property_replacements' => [
DateTime::class => 'string',
DateTimeImmutable::class => 'string',
Carbon::class => 'string',
CarbonImmutable::class => 'string',
| Output file
| TypeScript transformer will write it's TypeScript structures to this
| file.
'output_file' => resource_path('types/generated.d.ts'),