##Getting a license
In order to install Laravel comments, you'll need to get a license first.
##Installation via Composer
First, add the satis.spatie.be
repository in your composer.json
"repositories": [
"type": "composer",
"url": "https://satis.spatie.be"
Next, you need to create a file called auth.json
and place it either next to the composer.json
file in your project, or in the composer home directory. You can determine the composer home directory on *nix machines by using this command.
composer config --list --global | grep home
This is the content you should put in auth.json
"http-basic": {
"satis.spatie.be": {
"password": "<YOUR-LICENSE-KEY-HERE>"
If you are using Laravel Forge, you don't need to create the auth.json
file manually. Instead, you can set the credentials on the Composer Package Authentication screen of your server. Fill out the fields with these values:
- Repository URL:
- Username: Fill this field with your spatie.be account email address
- Password: Fill this field with your Laravel Comments license key
To validate if Composer can read your auth.json
you can run this command:
composer config --list --global | grep satis.spatie.be
If you did everything correctly, the above command should display your credentials.
Now, you can install the package via composer:
composer require spatie/laravel-comments:^1.0
##Publishing the config file
Optionally, you can publish the comments
config file with this command.
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="comments-config"
This is the content of the published config file:
use Spatie\Comments\Notifications\ApprovedCommentNotification;
use Spatie\Comments\Notifications\PendingCommentNotification;
use Spatie\Comments\Actions\SendNotificationsForApprovedCommentAction;
use Spatie\Comments\Actions\RejectCommentAction;
use Spatie\Comments\Actions\ApproveCommentAction;
use Spatie\Comments\Actions\SendNotificationsForPendingCommentAction;
use Spatie\Comments\Actions\ProcessCommentAction;
use Spatie\Comments\Models\Reaction;
use Spatie\Comments\Models\Comment;
use Spatie\Comments\CommentTransformers\MarkdownToHtmlTransformer;
use Spatie\Comments\Models\CommentNotificationSubscription;
return [
'allowed_reactions' => ['👍', '🥳', '👀', '😍', '💅'],
'allow_anonymous_comments' => false,
'comment_transformers' => [
'automatically_approve_all_comments' => true,
'models' => [
'commentator' => null,
'name' => 'name',
'comment' => Comment::class,
'reaction' => Reaction::class,
'comment_notification_subscription' => CommentNotificationSubscription::class,
'notifications' => [
'enabled' => true,
'notifications' => [
'pending_comment' => PendingCommentNotification::class,
'approved_comment' => ApprovedCommentNotification::class,
'mail' => [
'from' => [
'address' => env('MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS', 'hello@example.com'),
'name' => env('MAIL_FROM_NAME', 'Example'),
'pagination' => [
'results' => 10000,
'page_name' => 'page',
'theme' => 'tailwind',
'actions' => [
'process_comment' => ProcessCommentAction::class,
'send_notifications_for_pending_comment' => SendNotificationsForPendingCommentAction::class,
'approve_comment' => ApproveCommentAction::class,
'reject_comment' => RejectCommentAction::class,
'send_notifications_for_approved_comment' => SendNotificationsForApprovedCommentAction::class,
'gravatar' => [
'default_image' => 'mp',
##Migrating the database
To create the tables used by this package, you must create and run the migration.
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="comments-migrations"
php artisan migrate
##Preparing your models
Comments will be associated with Eloquent models. To allow an Eloquent model to have comments associated with it, use the Spatie\Comments\HasComments
trait on it.
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Spatie\Comments\Models\Concerns\HasComments;
class YourModel extends Model
use HasComments;
By using the HasComments
trait on your model, you are required to add these two methods on the same model.
public function commentableName(): string
public function commentUrl(): string
The object that will comment on Eloquent models is called the commentator. Typically, the commentator is the User
model in your app.
You must prepare your commentator model by using the Spatie\Comments\Models\Concerns\InteractsWithComments
trait on it, and implementing Spatie\Comments\Models\Concerns\Interfaces\CanComment
Here's an example for when your user model is App\Models\User
namespace App\Models;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Spatie\Comments\Models\Concerns\InteractsWithComments;
use Spatie\Comments\Models\Concerns\Interfaces\CanComment;
class User extends Model implements CanComment
use InteractsWithComments;
You must also set the commentator
key in the comments
config file to this model.
return [
'commentator' => App\Models\User::class,
##Customising the code highlighting theme
Code highlighting of the comments is powered by our spatie/laravel-markdown package, which in its turn uses Shiki to highlight code.
You can use any Shiki code highlighting theme that you desire. By default github-light
is used.
To use your preferred theme, you must publish the config file of Laravel-markdown using this command:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="markdown-config"
In the config file that gets published at config/markdown.php
you should set the name of or path to a Shiki theme in the theme
return [
'code_highlighting' => [
'theme' => 'github-dark',
##Using the Livewire components
If you want to use the Livewire components to render your comments, proceed to the installation instruction of the component.