Comments can be entered using Markdown, a simple set of rules to apply styling. Think of it as vastly simplified HTML so that it's very easy to type for both developers and non-developers.
On this page, you can learn the most commonly used Markdown markup.
To create a link, put the name of the link between []
and the URL between ()
. Here is an example:
[The Beatles]( are a well known band.
will be rendered as
The Beatles are a well known band.
To link to an image, you can do the same as creating a link. Put the title between []
and the URL between ()
. Additionally, add a !
before the opening [
Here is an image of the Beatles:

The above will be rendered as:
Here is an image of the Beatles:

##Bold text
You can make text bold by wrapping it between **
The Beatles are a **well known** band.
The above will be rendered as:
The Beatles are a well known band.
You can make text italics by wrapping it between _
The Beatles are a _well known_ band.
The above will be rendered as:
The Beatles are a well known band.
You can create a title by letting a sentence start with #
. The more #
you add, the smaller the title will render
# The Beatles are a _well known_ band
## The Beatles are a _well known_ band
### The Beatles are a _well known_ band
The above will be rendered as:
##The Beatles are a well known band
##The Beatles are a well known band
##The Beatles are a well known band
##Creating a list
To create list, each item should be on its own line and start with -
The Beatles consist of
- John
- Paul
- George
- Ringo
This above will be rendered as:
The Beatles consist of
To create a numbered list, start each line with a 1.
. You can increment the number, but this isn't necessary.
The Beatles consist of
1. John
1. Paul
1. George
1. Ringo
This above will be rendered as:
The Beatles consist of
- John
- Paul
- George
- Ringo
##Code blocks
Code blocks can be highlighted by wrapping the code between ```.
Optionally, you can add the name of language after the opening backticks to hint in which language the code should be highlighted.
You can use any of these languages that are support by Shiki (which is used under the hood to highlight code).
$revolution = 9;
This will be rendered as
$revolution = 9;
##Inline code
To style text as code in the middle of a sentence, wrap the code between backticks
The `getBack()` function can be used to redirect back.
The above will be rendered as:
The getBack()
function can be used to redirect back.
##Learning more
The examples are this page are the most commonly used Markdown markup. To learn more formatting possibilities, head over the basic syntax guide of the Markdown guide.