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Inertia.js lets you quickly build modern single-page React, Vue, and Svelte apps using classic server-side routing and controllers.
Laravel Data works excellent with Inertia .
You can pass a complete data object to an Inertia response:
return Inertia ::render ('Song ', SongsData ::from ($song ));
# # Lazy properties
This package supports lazy properties, which can be manually included or excluded.
Inertia has a similar concept called lazy data evaluation , where some properties wrapped in a closure only get evaluated and included in the response when explicitly asked.
This package can output specific properties as Inertia lazy props as such:
class SongData extends Data
public function __construct (
public Lazy|string $title ,
public Lazy|string $artist ,
) {
public static function fromModel (Song $song ): self
return new self (
Lazy ::inertia (fn () => $song ->title ),
Lazy ::closure (fn () => $song ->artist )
We provide two kinds of lazy properties:
Lazy::inertia() Never included on first visit, optionally included on partial reloads
Lazy::closure() Always included on first visit, optionally included on partial reloads
Now within your JavaScript code, you can include the properties as such:
Inertia .reload ((url, {
only : ['title '],