##Getting a license
If you haven't already, you must buy a license on the Media Library Pro product page at spatie.be
##Installing the base package
If you haven't installed the base Media Library package, make sure to do so by running:
composer require "spatie/laravel-medialibrary:^11.0.0"
##Requiring Media Library Pro
After you've purchased a license, add the satis.spatie.be
repository in your composer.json
"repositories": [
"type": "composer",
"url": "https://satis.spatie.be"
Next, you need to create a file called auth.json
and place it either next to the composer.json
file in your project, or in the Composer home directory. You can determine the Composer home directory on *nix machines by using this command.
composer config --list --global | grep home
This is the content you should put in auth.json
"http-basic": {
"satis.spatie.be": {
To be sure you can reach satis.spatie.be
, clean your autoloaders before using this command:
composer dump-autoload
To validate if Composer can read your auth.json you can run this command:
composer config --list --global | grep satis.spatie.be
If you are using Laravel Forge, you don't need to create the auth.json
file manually. Instead, you can set the credentials on the Composer Package Authentication screen of your server. Fill out the fields with these values:
- Repository URL:
- Username: Fill this field with your spatie.be account email address
- Password: Fill this field with your Media Library Pro license key

With the configuration above in place, you'll be able to install the Media Library Pro into your project using this command:
composer require "spatie/laravel-medialibrary-pro:^6.0.0"
##Prepare the database
Media Library Pro tracks all temporary uploads in a table called temporary_uploads
To create the table you need to publish and run the migration:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\MediaLibraryPro\MediaLibraryProServiceProvider" --tag="media-library-pro-migrations"
php artisan migrate
##Automatically removing temporary uploads
If you are using Media Library Pro, you must schedule this artisan command in app/Console/Kernel
to automatically delete temporary uploads
##Laravel 11 or higher
->withSchedule(function (Schedule $schedule) {
##Laravel 10 or older
protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)
##Add the route macro
To accept temporary uploads via React and Vue, you must add this macro to your routes file.
You do not need to register this endpoint when using the Blade/Livewire components.
This macro will add the routes to controllers that accept file uploads for all components.
##Front-end setup
The easiest way to add the CSS and Javascript needed for the Media Library Pro components is to use the Blade directives @mediaLibraryStyles
and @mediaLibraryScripts
You should add the @mediaLibraryStyles
directive before the closing </head>
tag in your layout file.
If you want to include the CSS in a different way, you can find more information here: Vite.
You should add the @mediaLibraryScripts
directive before the closing </body>
tag in your layout file.
##Picking the right component
Next you need to decide which components suits your needs most. We have two components available:
This is the simplest component. It allows you to upload one or more files.
Read about how to use the attachment component.
This component is more advanced. It allows you to upload multiple files with custom properties and functionality like sorting.
The files uploaded in this component are attached to a model. This component is perfect for managing media in admin panels.
Read about how to use the collection component.