Under the hood Symfony\Component\Process
is used to connect to your server and performing the command from your check. You can manipulate this Process
right before it is executed.
To do this you must create a class that implements Spatie\ServerMonitor\Manipulators\Manipulator
. That interface has only a single method to implement:
public function manipulateProcess(Process $process, Check $check): Process;
Let's take a look at an example implementation. In the code below we're going to change the command and up the timeout if the check is being performed on a certain host.
namespace App\ServerMonitor\Manipulators;
use Spatie\ServerMonitor\Models\Check;
use Symfony\Component\Process\Process;
class MyManipulator implements Manipulator
public function manipulateProcess(Process $process, Check $check): Process
if ($check->host->name = 'my-host') {
$manipulatedCommand = "{$process->getCommandLine()} appending extra options";
return $process;
After creating the class you must specify it's fully qualified name in the process_manipulator
key of the server-monitor
config file.